Overview: I am profoundly deaf and have been since I was born a very long time ago...ok, 25 years ago. My losses are measured in decibels - that means, my nerves/brain perceive a tone (hertz) only when it is loud enough... in my right ear that means I have a loss of 85db, in my left it is 102db. My left ear has the worse low frequency sound perception but marginally better high frequency perception (conversational tones) - my right is the opposite - better low, rubbisher high. I was meant to have a cochlear implant as a baby but because I had hydracephalus (and an abnormally large head) my parents decided against me undergoing more surgery as allegedly, being dysfunctional and requiring loads of interventions near enough finished my parents off, oh and me! My most vivid memories of my childhood involve being in constant contact with a woman called Natasha who was responsible for training me to speak through constant, relentless, soul-destroying at times and plain exhausting spe...