
Showing posts from March, 2012

My daughter, deafness and me

Hmmmmmmm, I wonder what you'll think of this? Link to programme So, I watched the above programme this morning and found it very thought provoking. I'll just put up a load of bullet points as my thoughts are rather sleep deprived at the moment! 1 - The most telling part of the programme for me was when her daughter got up and left the signing session, went and sat down and stuck her head in her hands. Guessing she really didn't enjoy having something shoved in her face and being confronted with someone who communicates in a way that is totally unfamiliar and scary. That made me think "hang on, she's not stupid, she knows she struggles" - and so when Rita met with the mother who explained about communication breakdowns it clicked into place. The little girl, at the age of five, has already developed a front - glossing over misunderstandings and distracting people with her 'all singing all dancing' nature. I think it was a shock for her mum to real...

I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?

Points for anybody who can identify the origins of the post's title. My CT scan is booked for April 19th. Not entirely sure when I'm going to Manchester but hey, only 31 days to wait until the inner workings of my 'bitter, twisted' mind (geddit?) are revealed for the consultant to see. Well, technically, it's the cochlear and skull they're interested in, fun. Gotta love the Gaga

Damn, the ENT man has a lisp... what's he saying?

Appointment today with the ENT man. The appointment was set for 10:45 but the waiting room was rammed packed full of the elderly and the not so elderly and so I didn't get seen until 11. In that time I had the wonderful pleasure of watching 'Homes Under The Hammer' on a massive TV, just how many people actually enjoy this type of drivel?! The appointment lasted no more than three minutes - I kid ye not. Here's what happened: 1 - I was sat down, noticed a trainee gawping at me from the corner - lovely! 2 - ENT man began to speak, at this point I realised that he had a lisp - the kind where the tongue takes up the mouth and it's really hard to understand the resultant speech, I didn't clock a word of what he said so "Pardon? I didn't catch that - what did you say?" 3 - ENT man, on his wheely chair scooted the 5 feet from his desk and sat RIGHT NEXT TO ME, as in - our knees were touching - and explained, a lot more clearly the following things...