
Showing posts from February, 2017

Tiny steps

So, time for an update. I had the counselling and expectations appointment at the end of January which was really interesting. The hearing therapist went through all of the pre-operative steps of scans etc, the surgical information and recovery process. She went through the rehabilitation process, it seems very intensive with two weekly appointments in the initial few weeks to tune the programming. She then showed me a Medel CI, and detailed how it worked. At this point I queried whether the choice of all three would be available and she said that she would find out. I had to do this questionnaire which she created, it had all sorts of questions about what I thought I might be able to do with a CI, and how I rated my present levels of hearing. It was reassuring to go through the process as I could ask the random questions I had on my mind, it also gave me an opportunity to demonstrate myself as a well informed candidate as I mentioned things I had learned from other people and online...