Appointment today with the ENT man. The appointment was set for 10:45 but the waiting room was rammed packed full of the elderly and the not so elderly and so I didn't get seen until 11. In that time I had the wonderful pleasure of watching 'Homes Under The Hammer' on a massive TV, just how many people actually enjoy this type of drivel?! The appointment lasted no more than three minutes - I kid ye not. Here's what happened: 1 - I was sat down, noticed a trainee gawping at me from the corner - lovely! 2 - ENT man began to speak, at this point I realised that he had a lisp - the kind where the tongue takes up the mouth and it's really hard to understand the resultant speech, I didn't clock a word of what he said so "Pardon? I didn't catch that - what did you say?" 3 - ENT man, on his wheely chair scooted the 5 feet from his desk and sat RIGHT NEXT TO ME, as in - our knees were touching - and explained, a lot more clearly the following things...
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