Switch on date

Yesterday I received confirmation of my switch on date! It is.... *drum roll* on Monday, 6th November at 10:30am. Otherwise known as the first Monday back after half term, also known as not-so-great timing since the children will go back to a supply teacher on the first day back! In my head, it was going to be during half term, the week prior to that Monday, but really, as my op was on the 5th October, the 6th of November fits the four week waiting period so can't really argue with the schedule. I also received all my follow-up appointments up to early December. Thankfully, these are all on Wednesdays, which is my PPA day so about half of them won't interfere with the teaching job.

As Ophelia continues her approach, the wind is picking up a little. The sky is still that strange half light/half shadowy apricot. Let's see what this sounds like. Seems fitting!


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