Fcuk fcuk fcuk FCUK

So. My blog title is ridiculous, when you think about it. I don't accept limitations, yet my hearing is a serious, shi**y limitation. It won't ever be cured, it won't ever get better and there's nottttthing I can do about it. I'm 26 and I still can't accept it.


  1. Hi, I have worn HAs from age 4, and have don quite well until recently when a loud sound damaged bearing. You should be thankful you're not a CI candidate. With proper molds, and Oticon Sumo XP, the strongest aid out there, you can hear beautifully in just about all situations. This is analog, which is better than the digital junk out there. You need to spend much time on getting a good pair of earmolds. Also, do not have audiologist set power higher than 137 dB or can damage. I can help with molds as have much experience. You will hear music much better than with a CI. Good luck.


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